How To Plan a Princess Party
So your daughter asked for a princess party for her birthday this year, and now you’re left wondering how exactly to make that happen. Fortunately, you’re in the right place! The Princess Party Company has all the helpful princess party ideas you could ever need!

Figure out what your daughter loves about princesses and play it up.
TheTake her favorite things about princesses and their stories and make those the focal point of the party. If she loves their singing, have karaoke and a dance party. Their beautiful gowns? Collect some dress up princess dresses. Their adventures? Create a scavenger hunt based on a classic heroine’s story.
Your little girl’s eyes will light up when she sees that you have transformed the living room into a royal ballroom. Streamers, glitter, rhinestones, lace, and balloons are all simple decorations that will turn any ordinary space into an elegant room worthy of a princess.
Plan a menu fit for a princess.
Serve your child’s favorite food, or go all-out with tea party favorites, like finger sandwiches, cut vegetables, fruit, and cupcakes. When in doubt, sugar is always the answer.
Invite a real-life royal to meet and befriend each little fairytale fan!
A princess party isn’t complete without a visit from an actual princess! We are your exclusive source for professional princess performers to attend your special occasion. Your daughter will have her pick of classic storybook maidens, and they will each arrive with exciting surprises to make for a perfect princess party.